划线平台/铸铁平台按GB/4986-85标准制造,划线平台制成筋板式和箱体式,工作面有长方形,材料HT200,工作面采用刮研工艺,工作面上可加工V型、T型、U型槽和圆孔、长孔等。铸铁平板是用于工件检测或划线的平面基准器具。平板安装应调至水平、负荷均分布于各支点上,环境温度使用时应避免振划线平板(平台)的用途: 是检查机器零件平面度,直线度等形位公差的测量基准,也可用于零件划线研磨加工,安装设备等用途。是检验机械零件平面、平行度、直线度等形位公差的测量基准,也可用于一般零件及精密零件的划线、铆焊研磨工艺加工及测量等。
Making Out Surface Plate can be made into the rib type or box type, and its working surface could be rectangle, square or round. Additionally, the working surface are allowed to have V or U-shaped grooves, round holes, slot holes. Etc. A surface plate is a solid, flat plate used as the main horizontal reference plane for precision inspection, marking out (layout), and tooling setup. The surface plate is often used as the baseline for all measurements to the workpiece.
Technological process of production of Making Out Surface Plate:
三、铸铁平板工件调平、人工刮研、检验科检验; 四、铸铁平板的外观处理、喷漆、包装、入库。 铸铁平板的精度也可以说是铸铁平板的平面度:铸铁平板一般精度可以分为0级、1级、2级、3级。铸铁平板的精度标准在《中华人民共和国机械行业标准》JB/T 7974—2000里可以查到。选用精度标准时一般根据使用情况酌情而定。3级精度以上的铸铁平板用做检验、划线、装配等使用,4级精度以下的铸铁平板一般用做铆焊等使用。
1. Rough casting:
Make drawings according to the technical requirements-Making mold as per the drawings-Prepare material-Modelling-Filling sand-drying-casting-Surface cleaning -Casting parts testing.
2. Heat treating and aging treatment, to reduce the internal stress of castings and to prevent it from deform after machining.
3. Rough machining:
Visual Inspection-Marking-Machining -Final inspection and test.
4. Precision finishing:
Leveling -Scraping- Inspection and testing.
5. Final finish:
Painting,-packing -deliver to warehouse.
The accuracy of the Cast Iron Surface Plate refers to the deviation from flatness of the working surface and it shall be classified as Grade 0,1,2,3.